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What is a Set?

Completing a Set allows you to earn a Set Bonus

Updated over 2 years ago

What is a Set?

A Set is a defined collection of NFTs (also known as tokens, items, badges, coins, cards, and digital collectibles). Here at Sweet we have some sets of our own, and we also collaborate with all kinds of great people and products who curate their own Sets. For more on what an NFT is, check out this article.

What are Set Bonuses?

One of the great features of Sweet are set bonuses. The set bonus is a reward for collecting all the items in a particular Set of digital collectibles. They can easily be thought of as scavenger hunts, as you collect all the pieces and then you get a reward! Each of the NFTs in a collection has a bit of utility. When you gain all the NFTs in a collection, you earn a bonus reward for your set.

In some cases, these bonus NFTs have their own utility and when you collect a certain amount of bonus NFTs, their combined utility can unlock a master NFT token. For rare bonuses, there may be limitations on how many can be collected (one per user) or limitations on whether an NFT can be used to collect more than one bonus.

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