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Stay safe and protect your NFTs

9 tips for staying safe in the NFT Space and protecting your digital collectibles

Jonathan L avatar
Written by Jonathan L
Updated over a week ago

It can seem like the wild west out in the digital sphere. But there are some simple things you can keep in mind to stay safe and protect your NFTs and digital collectibles.

Never Share your Sweet Account Password or Seed Phrase for External Wallets

As obvious as it sounds, this is one of the easiest ways we can protect ourselves and one of the biggest exploits of which scammers take advantage. Your Sweet Account password should be known only to you. And those seed phrases for your crypto/NFT wallets, never share them. If you write them down, store them in a secure location--and never in an online password wallet or cloud based file storage.

Get support via official channels

We all want rapid support in those times when we need help. As tempting as soliciting help through social media channels and Discord may be, doing so could also make you a target for people that want to scam you. Sweet now provides support 20 hours a day 7 days a week directly through our website and mobile app--and we are working to close that small gap even further. You can communicate with us via chat, email, and now text message via WhatsApp. It has never been easier to get the help you need.

Additionally, check out the growing collection of articles in our Help Center. New topics are added regularly so you can stay up-to-date and well informed.

Keep your Browsers, Operating Systems, and Apps Up to Date

Probably one of the easiest things we can do to prevent unknown exploits is to ensure that all the software you are using are up to date. These updates contain patches and fixes to loopholes and exploits that nefarious actors can use to gain access to your devices.

Never click on unknown links

The biggest gap in security is the human one. It can be incredibly tempting to click on links or images--especially when we are excited or in need of help. If you have the need to click on a link, double check to make sure that it is a valid one directing you to an official site.

Only Scan QR Codes you Trust

QR codes can be pointed to malicious sites. Make sure that the QR codes you are scanning with your phone are from trusted sources. If you are unsure, ask the sender to provide you with a direct link that you can scan.

Exercise Caution in Responding to Messages

One of the easiest things we can do is to check the address from which an official looking email or message is coming. If it is an email, click on the "From" and investigate the address. Does it look official and not misspelled.

If It Seems too Good to be True, It probably Is

That offer of trade or sale that seems just too good to resist? Yeah, it probably is. Be suspicious. Confirm the identity and details. And wait before acting. Fraudsters will often push a sense of urgency to try to build a feeling of fear of missing out on your part.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

Whenever possible, enable two-factor or multi-factor authentication. In these cases you will use your password plus a second code sent to you via SMS or email. Some sites and services even use authentication apps such as Google Authenticator.

Make Sure Wallet Browser Extensions are Official

To ensure you are not downloading an imposter app, download wallet browser extensions directly from the service website. If you are on mobile, double check the app store to ensure you are getting the right one.

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